Brand Resources By TRIBE

What's New On TRIBE

Your next TRIBE campaign will be faster, smarter and safer than ever before.

We’ve launched our updated platform for brands, loaded with features and benefits that mean TRIBE is fast becoming the ultimate one-stop-shop for influencer marketing.

It’s faster.

TRIBE’s new and improved platform puts thousands of influencers at your fingertips - literally! Now mobile optimized, our new platform lets you cultivate a community of creators with ultimate efficiency, allowing you to respond to creators anywhere, anytime.

Enabling you to carry an army of creators around in your pocket, we’ve created a chat-like function to easily provide personalized feedback, as well as shortlist and approve your favourite influencer content.


It’s  Smarter.

Offering deeper insights than ever before, the new TRIBE platform allows you to predict your proposed budget’s total reach and engagement before your campaign begins, and enables you to uncover audience demographics before your campaign has even finished.



With new, advanced tools to optimise your spending - such as our ROI calculator and rate card - TRIBE’s updated platform will allow you to stretch your budget even further. With operational savings at its forefront, our new and improved technology will help you make hyper-informed purchasing decisions to more efficiently manage your budget.

It’s safer. 

You're protected by the most uncompromising influencer screening technology in the industry, which just got smarter.

As Influencer Marketing takes up an increasingly larger share of marketing budgets, it's never been more important to ensure the platforms and agencies you work with are committed to the highest standards of integrity.

TRIBE was built with these values in mind, which is why we've always delivered content up front, the ultimate safety for any Brand.

Not only do you get to ensure each piece of content aligns with your brand and strategy but you can also be confident that the content in your TRIBE inbox has been crafted by authentic influencers.

We run periodic scans on each and every Influencer on TRIBE to identify irregularities that might indicate fraudulent behaviour.


Our commitment to brand safety
is made up from 4 key pillars - Audience, Content, Influencer and Compliance.

We’ve made significant updates to compliance terms. With the rules changing globally around what constitutes disclosing a sponsored post, we’re setting the industry benchmark for honesty and integrity.

The best is yet to come…

The new platform is the foundation for a lot of new features. Our product roadmap is stacked with updates sure to keep your campaigns are over performing and ahead of the industry trends.

We will soon be introducing...

• Advanced Campaign Reporting

We’ll be introducing real-time post performance, post-campaign sentiment analysis and performance benchmarking.

• Premium Stories Submissions

We’ll be making it easier for you to request and receiver stories content, as well as split your inbox out by content type. Plus you can buy bundles of posts from your highest performing influencers.

• Influencer Partnerships

Designed to encourage longer-term partnerships with your Brand Fans to drive even greater results for you and your brand.

Best To Come

Want to access your most influential customers, marketing experts and creative department all in one place? Join TRIBE - your one-stop-shop for influencer marketing.

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